連絡先削除 英語版しかないですが 連絡先が消えない時に!!
Touch to show contact details in app to help you decide which contacts to delete. Search works across all contact information (name, company, address, etc.).
*** For more features such as select by account, copy, move, and merge, see Contact Remover Plus!
NOTE: May not show or delete Facebook contacts depending on phone.
*** Please email me if you have any problems, questions or suggestions. We developers CANNOT RESPOND to comments left as feedback in the market-google just doesn't give us any way to do it, so please email us!
I suppose I should point out that for those reviewers complaining that this app does nothing that the built-in contact app doesn't do, please remember that not all phones have the same built-in apps, and that the contact app is often customized by the phone manufacturers or carriers to add features. Lots of phone don't have a bulk-delete capability, which is why I originally wrote this.